Wednesday, February 27, 2013

C4KSummary for February


For my C4K assignment, I had Justin in a 9th Grade World History class. He wrote a blog on setting goals, and how to accomplish your goals. He had a 6 step process to accomplishing goals. The example he used is the idea of losing weight. The blog is summarized like this. The 1st step is coming to the idea to look better. The 2nd step is being more specific with your idea, such as losing weight. The 3rd step is making your goal possible or measurable, such as "I want to lose 10 kg." The 4th step is making your goal achievable by making small steps to achieve your goal. The 5th goal is making your goal realistic by considering you time, family, resources, and finances. Finishing the goal we need to give ourselves a time frame with a start and finish date.

I agreed with him on his ideas and steps but I made a few suggestions to him by making the goals we choose push our limits a little. One way we could do this is by adding a few more pounds or making a shorter time frame. We wouldn't want to push our limits too far to where we quit it before we finish.

J Denver

For this weeks C4K, I commented on J. Denver's blog about a friend of his named Liam. It was a short blog, after reading others he has wrote I understood that he has taken a liking to blogging. So during my comment, I told him that it was very interesting that he has likes to blog so much. The thing is though that he needs to write a little more explaining his friend more. I really tried to encouraged him to continue blogging though.

Room 6 Paikea and Skye

For this weeks post, I had to leave a comment for Paikea and Skye from New Zealand on their Little Voices, Little Scholars page. I just commented and told them both to keep up the good work and that I hoped to see more posts from them. For the entire class, I told them all to keep up the good work on their blog and that I would be hoping to see more blog posts from them all.

Amy For this weeks C4K assignment, I commented on Amy's from Mrs. Martin's 10th Grade English Class during 3rd block. Her blog post titled "Self-Expression", she talks about how she expresses herself. She can express herself through her style of dressing, and the way she writes. I told her to give more thorough examples in the way she expresses herself, such as what type of clothes would she wear to express her personality.

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