Saturday, February 9, 2013

Special Blog Post #1

WolfranAlpha App

In the search on WolfranAlpha App I searched for the education comparison of China, India and the US. I found that even though China and India have more people than the US, the use has more people that go to college. The percentage of people that started out in primary school and went to college had a slower decline than both countries combined. This is a perfect example of how we can use this app to compare things for projects for our students or anyone we teach in the future. This would be a great app for group projects in all sorts of subjects.

The Count

After looking at the Count and seeing all the increases in sales on certain phones, youtube videos being watched or liked, Facebook statuses/pictures being liked, and etc. We can see here that the use of technology in everyday lives will never stop increasing in numbers, especially if new technology is being invented.

I believe that this increase in use of technology, will effect the way we learn new things to teach children. The way that we find information or learn new information. It would effect the use of a classroom through skype or other internet video chats. I think that peoples increase in knowledge about technology will make it to where we can have class through online streaming. We'll never have to leave our homes.

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