Wednesday, April 24, 2013

C4K for April

Connor C. from Mrs. Geldes Class

Connor is from Mrs. Geldes class I'm not sure what grade or what class he is in when he wrote this. He wrote his blog post about Nebraska. I'm not sure if he's from there or what but in his post he wrote that the land was good for farming, they were hardworking farmers, their state bird was the Western Meadowlark,and many other facts about the state of Nebraska. At the end of his blog he wrote the question for viewers and "Where do you live? What animals are there? What are some cities at your state?" For my comment on his blog I answered his question and told him he had written a good blog post and should tell us more about the state.

Libby from Leopold Primary School in Victoria, Australia

In Libby's blog Libby's Latest News, she writes a post called Buddies. According to what I have read it's a system where students in higher grades spend quality time with younger students on certain days of the week. Libby is sharing her buddy Elyssa with a friend named Emma. This system would be a great idea to bring to elementary schools to teach them to care and to help the younger children, and to encourage them also. I told Libby that I thought it was great that she was spending quality with younger children and should always encourage them to keep doing their best.

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